
Friday 4 November 2016

Evening Routine

Hello everyone how are you all autumnal evening?

As it is starting to get darker in the evening a little bit earlier now in the UK I thought that this would be the perfect opportunity to do an evening routine.

On a typical work day I finish work at around 5:30pm and I will get home just before 6. The minute I get home I will take my dirty work clothes off and change into my Pajama's or loungewear and put my dirty clothes either in the washing machine or in the washing basket to be washed. 

After that I make my way into the kitchen and make myself a cup of tea to heat me up. Then I will make my dinner, while I am waiting for that I will go into the living room or bedroom and tidy up after stuart as he starts and finishes work after me and he is a boy and you know boys are messy.

Then I will check my emails, youtube or play a game on my iPad then have my dinner I will usually make extra and heat it up when stuart comes home. After dinner I will tidy up the kitchen and put everything away.

After that I will go into the bathroom and take off my makeup with my mac cleanse off oil then go in for a shower, I wash my hair every 2nd-3rd day so depending on what day it is I will do my full hair routine. Once I have been showered I will do my skincare routine if you read my monthly favourites you will see that I have been quite minimalistic with my skincare you can read it here

After my shower and skincare routine I will put on my Pajamas that I will always put on the radiator in the bathroom so they are nice and cosy. Then I go back into the kitchen and make another cup off tea, make my way in to the living room and by this time stuart is usually home from work and we will sit on the couch and watch Masterchef, Netflix or a movie and talk about our day like an old man and woman.

I also get very tired very quickly, in the UK the clocks went back an hour and that hour has taken it toll on me when it is 11:00 my usual time that I would go to bed it is only 10:00 so the tiredness is creeping up on me. So when I eventually cant fight sleep anymore and go to bed I will try to read a few pages from my book. The book I am currently reading is The Strange Case or Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde its a great story I would highly recommend reading it once I cant take anymore tiredness I will set my alarm for work the next morning and go to the land of nod. 

Good Night. 

I hope that you enjoy reading my Evening Routine. If you have done an Evening Routine put a link in the comments below I would love to read it.

thank you so much for watching.

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Mucho Love 
Stephanie xxxx

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